
Dear family,

40 Days of Yielding

The 40 days from Nov 11 to Dec 20 at the end of Hanukkah is a season of consecration for the Lord to continue the work He has started in the gathering. May our hearts & lives be deeply yielded to the Lord, may our families be transformed & established. We also suggest that we can take communion daily during these 40 days. Please go to Yielding on this website where you will postings of the vision & the weekly focus, plus the booklet "Encountering God through Daily Communion" which helps us draw near to God’s heart & love through taking communion.

Standing on guard for the nation

One of the reasons for awaking & arising is for us to bless & stand on guard for our nation. Therefore we would like to introduce some Christian websites that help us pray for government and enable us to release one united voice through appropriate action.

Awaken the Dawn

We want to invite you to join us for our Awaken the Dawn 5am morning prayer in Vancouver. Please go to “Awaken the Dawn” on the website, where Pastor David Demian shares the original vision for awakening the dawn. We will also periodically post insights from our prayer times.

We invite you to join us in “Awaken the Dawn”, our prayer altar in the air! Please note the prayer time is Vancouver time.

English (5:00 - 6:00 am everyday)

Mandarin (5:00 - 6:30 am everyday)

Cantonese (5:00 - 6:00 am Tuesday & Thursday)

Blessings to you all! Let us continue to awake & arise to our Esther mandate!




  1. 10月31日是新教改革的五百週年紀念日:1517年的10月31日,馬丁·路德將95條論綱釘在位於德國維滕堡的城堡教堂的門口,新教改革從那聲錘響開始。


  1. 10月31日也是2017年的萬聖節: 萬聖節的起源可追溯到二千多年前古代凱爾特人的異教節日。聖經警告説:“你們不可……求問鬼神或死人的陰魂。”(申18:10-12);林前10:20説:“我不願意你們跟鬼同夥”。每年的萬聖節都是黑暗權勢出擊的時候,美國有人穿著小丑服企圖拐騙兒童,迄今已有逾20個州都有類似通報。


  1. 11月1日:從111為1111禱告!從11月第一天就為合一禱告!
